02 fevereiro 2009

Agility em Alcatifa ..... para quê ?

Agility em alcatifa .... para quê ?

Esta é a pergunta que faço a todas as pessoas que fazem agility com o seu amigo, porque é que fazem Agility em Alcatifa ?

A resposta é simples .... porque quem organiza as provas não está preocupada com a saúde dos nossos cães mas sim com o espectáculo que eles podem proporcionar, assim se organizam uma prova em alcatifa, eu vou.

Após a prova da Exponor, e ter corrido com o meu cão naquela alcatifa medonha, fiquei com a certeza que fazer Agility em alcatifa não é fazer Agility, é Competir Agility.
São coisas bem diferentes, é simplesmente colocar a ambição humana a frente da saúde animal, é competir pelo prémio e não pelo prazer e pelo desporto que é o Agility.

Desde que este tópico foi colocado no Forum Pré- Ringue, que já li muita coisa: o cão tem que se habituar, não podemos mudar, não somos nós que mandamos !!!!!!!!!!!!

Hoje, alguém que nunca participou em provas, colocou no Fórum respostas de Agiliteiros no estrangeiro

Hi Claudia,

I have heard the same argument, that the dogs need to get used to
running on it. I discussed it with another trainer/competitor because
they were using the same type of carpet at a Pet Expo and having a disc
dog competition. I decided not to enter my young dog. The other
trainer told me that is the type of carpet often used at the World
agility competitions in Europe and that the US people who end up
competing there practice their dogs on that type of carpet to prepare
since most trials in the US are outdoors on grass or dirt, indoors on
dirt or indoors on vinyl mats. If running all the time on that slippery
a surface were my only option for doing agility I would choose not to do
agility as I don't think it's safe. I can understand why people might
run on that surface,though, for a-once-a-year important competition. I
certainly wouldn't want to train a young dog or inexperienced handler on
a surface like that - learning agility is hard enough as it is without
having to worry about your feel going out from under you!

TRainer/Agility Competitor Pensylvannia

I don't know of any specific studies, but
if this is a thin carpet rolled out over a hard floor surface then I
would be concerned about the dogs jumping on this surface. When dogs
go over jumps, the landing impact on their front legs is huge and
they need to be landing on a surface that will absorb some of that
impact. Plus, if the surface is slippery then both people and dogs
would be at risk for slipping and hurting themselves. I'm not sure
there have been any studies with dogs or humans to show that slipping
is dangerous or that slick surfaces make you more likely to fall Smile
but there are books on jump training for dogs and I bet they have
info on the importance of working on a shock absorbing surface.

Hi Claudia,
In my opinion this flooring would be unsafe for many dogs especially
those with "high drive." Personally, I would feel comfortable running
my Chihuahua on flooring like this but there would be no way that I
would run my aging pit bull x or young Border Collie on it. I think
they would be at high risk for twisting backs and/or falling down. I
would think this would be worse than wet ground for the dogs because at
least with wet ground they have something to dig their nails into. I
practice on rubber matting during the winter but we put jumps and
weaves on tuff spun (sp?) that is used for flyball competitions to
avoid any slipping.

Trainer/Nova Scotia

E volto a perguntar , Agility em alcatifa .... para quê ? 

Será que os Agiliteiros Nacionais, os altos dirigentes do Agility Português não se apercebem o mal que estamos a fazer aos nossos cães !!! o mal que eu fiz ao meu cão ao longo destes tempos !!!

Ou o dinheiro e as exposições nas quais somos tratados como palhaços, e somos constantemente enfiados num canto falam mais alto que a saude do nosso cão ?

Se têm respostas, Agility em alcatifa .... para quê ?  Por favor digam-me.


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